Uncover the Secret to Thriving
in Your Life as a Nurse

The Toxic “Health Care” Culture is Killing Us

I know what you’re feeling as a nurse in today’s health care system…

  • Complete physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion
  • Depression
  • Burnout
  • Anxiety
  • Self doubt, self-criticism, and feelings of inadequacy
  • Self hate and feeling that you are not enough
  • Powerless and hopeless
  • Relationship problems due to withdrawal, detachment, and burn out
  • Poor self-care

If these feel too close to home, you are in the right place. Nurses around the country are experiencing these same challenges.

You are definitely not alone.

And you don’t have to figure it out on your own either.

Emotional overwhelm is the signal in you that it’s time to pause and listen… if you don’t, you can bet your body is going to step in to get your attention.


  • A future where you feel excited and passionate about your career and life.
  • Waking up every morning feeling at ease and at peace with the world.
  • Life feeling harmonized and in flow without tension or worry.
  • Walking with confidence and making empowered decisions that align with what is best for you.

Can you feel it?

I too have been where you are.  Struggling and suffering from emotional overwhelm, exhaustion, depression, and heavy feelings of worthlessness and anxiety. 

I have also taken major doses of truth as I have committed myself to deep healing, self excavation and exploration, and have found the magic in my life again. This path I have chosen has not been easy, but I wouldn’t go back for anything. 

To feel the ease and harmony I now experience and the overwhelming self-love and truth is worth every bit of the hard work I have done.

The edge is not to be feared, but rather embraced, because on the other side is everything you’re seeking.

You Feel the Call for More in Your Life.
I Know It.

More joy, more passion, more ease, more connection.

I also know it can be scary to want more.

You’ve been:

  • Taught and conditioned to believe you’re unworthy of everything you desire.
  • Pressured and oppressed into the darkness of shame for even thinking of more.
  • Imprisoned behind fears of inadequacy and failure holding you back from action.

But, now is your time.

The time for you to face those shadows and step out into the light of your life.

You don’t want to live with regrets and resentment in your heart, and the only way to do so is to make a different choice for yourself right now.

You don’t have to take this journey alone.

Connection is Medicine

You are a social being wired for connection.

You thrive with support and love.

You yearn for a space to be authentic and unarmoured.

You dream of feeling true belonging and safety.


Nurse RX

A 12-Week Program and Community

A deeply transformative process and experience that will take you on a journey through your muck of stress, trauma, and heavy emotions and provide you with the tools and resources to dig your way out, with support, guidance, and a loving community to do so.

Bring your boots, and I’ll bring the shovels

“The Nurse Rx program explores a multitude of tools for personal wellness which you will wish you had known about or been taught in your nursing program. It provides guidance and support to help you cope with the hard things nurses experience daily in our career and lives. I was overwhelmed by the power of the group of nurses as they shared their stories and supported one another. Sandra has done an amazing job of creating this program and is an exemplary coach that helped me become more aware of my body and emotions and the process of moving through all of my stress and emotional experiences. The work is not easy, but it is so worth it.”

– Leona Storch RN

If you’re ready to:

  • Manage stress and its many impacts on your life.
  • Get to the root cause of your depression and anxiety so you can truly heal.
  • Find balance in your lifestyle as a nurse.
  • Find confidence and strength to stand up for what you believe in.
  • Find freedom from pain, hurt, betrayal, moral distress and resentment.
  • Make your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellness a priority.
  • Feel energized, passionate, and excited again about your career.
  • Feel empowered to be in control of yourself and your life.
  • Feel supported and deeply connected to other nurses.

Then you have arrived in the right place.

Journey through Nurse Rx program to…

Create sustainable changes in your life by building an arsenal of tools, practices and resources

Shift the heavy load you are currently carrying

Create alignment in all areas of your life

Understand your values and prioritize your needs to fully step into the empowered woman you were designed to be

This program is not for you if you are not ready to dig deep and get mucky.

The Nurse Rx program took me out of hopelessness and slowly I became me again. It was hard for me to sign up, I was afraid, doubtful, worried about money and time, and also not believing I deserved it, but I am so grateful I did not listen to that voice as I see so much light now in my life. Working with Sandra and the group was amazing, making such great connections without judgment and knowing we all felt the same was so validating. I would do this program over and over again.

Pam Wager RN

Take a Look Inside the Nurse Rx Program

A 12-week immersive transformational experience to move through deep self-exploration and excavation, psychological and emotional trauma and healing to find balance, freedom, and alignment in your life. 

Chapter 1

Dreaming & Scheming

Envision the life you desire.  Allow yourself to open up to the world of possibilities and what your dream life includes.

Chapter 2

Shifting our Perspective

Dig into the practices of gratitude, self-celebration, and positive reappraisal to start to shift your energy and mindset.

Chapter 3

Befriending our Inner Mad Woman

Get unstuck by shifting your inner doubtful and critical mind and create a new narrative of possibility and potential.

Chapter 4

Trauma Adaptations

Understand the impact of trauma in our lives and how we unconsciously develop patterns to keep us safe… and keep us stuck.

Chapter 5

Moving the Feels

Explore practices to make space for and embody our emotional experiences and allow the energy to flow through us and release.

Chapter 6

Letting Go

Freedom is with letting go… of the anger, resentment, guilt, betrayal, fear, and more.  Expand on week 5 and continue to find release and expansion.

Chapter 7

Your Passion & Dharma

Tap into your unique gifts and needs as you honestly reflect on the areas of your life that are misaligned and not serving you.

Chapter 8

Finding Balance

The busy chaotic expectations and demands have left us devastatingly disconnected from ourselves and our needs until we step back and see how we spend our time and start to shift our priorities.

Chapter 9

Prioritizing You

Women are conditioned to be selfless and taught that receiving love is conditional on how we meet others’ expectations.  Unravel your people-pleasing patterns and learn to prioritize yourself.

Chapter 10

Boundaries and Core Values

Do you know your core values? Are you sacrificing them for others? Finding clarity of what is important and creating a commitment to ourselves to stand for that in our lives builds incredible empowerment.

Chapter 11

Know Your Worth

Touch that delicate powerful truth of your divine worth in this life and commit to building your life from that beautiful place.

Chapter 12

Unleash Your Full Potential

Proudly reflect on all your revelations and your actions in pursuit of the life you desire and deserve. Fully step into the incredible empowered woman you were created to be.

Plus these Bonuses…

12-Week Community Membership

LIVE monthly guest speakers

Recorded Kundalini Yoga Practices

Recorded Guided Meditations

Printable Resources And Downloadable Videos

Easy-To-Access Online Platform

12-Week Membership in the Nurse Rx Community includes:

Personal Support & Guidance

Weekly small Group Coaching Sessions with Sandra Payne and other members of the Nurse Rx Community where you have the opportunity to deep dive into your personal challenges, explore your belief systems, develop an embodied trust and connection, heal trauma & emotional wounds, process-heavy stuck emotional energy, and create action plans to help you build momentum towards your goals.

Trust & Authentic Connection

Weekly small group practice sessions in a safe and protected container with Sandra Payne and a smaller group of women who are also moving through the 12 Core Weeks of Nurse Rx where you have the opportunity to experience authenticity and vulnerability as we share, support, practice, and heal together.

Aroma Freedom

An introduction to self-guided powerful Aroma Freedom practices to help clear emotional and psychological blocks and find clarity of mind and take empowered action. Samples of the essential oils used are provided.

Community of Peer Support

Ongoing individual and group support via text/messenger/email as well as our private Facebook Group and Telegram thread. Having a community of peer support is essential for sustainable growth and change, and nobody gets what being a nurse is like more than other nurses.

LIVE Monthly Guest Speakers

Access to our LIVE monthly guest speakers in the Nurse Rx Grad Group, who join us to explore new perspectives, journey within ourselves, shift out of old patterns and beliefs and add to our arsenal of tools and resources.

Nurse Rx Online Program

12x weekly 90min small group coaching sessions

12x weekly 90min group practice, connection, and support sessions 

Community of Loving Peer Support

BONUS: Weekly Kundalini Yoga Practices

BONUS: Weekly Guided Meditations

BONUS: Aroma Freedom

BONUS: Printable Resources

BONUS: 3x LIVE monthly guest speakers


Total Value = $4,744

Regular Price – $1,500

Today’s Investment = $999

(or get started today for just $333)

Please Read Prior to Registering

As a participant in the Nurse Rx Community I declare that…

I am open and accepting of other’s beliefs, values and opinions. I recognize that others may not hold the same truth or reality as I do and I accept that and am willing to show up fully for them regardless. I intend to support others with compassion and heart felt understanding and expect others to do the same for me. I acknowledge that being in a space of truth and authenticity requires each of us to step into vulnerability. This vulnerability is a gift I am willing to give to others and that I will receive from them. Vulnerability is essential to deep healing and transformation and it is a requirement for each individual to feel safe to allow themselves to drop their guards and open to trust. I will respect others needs for safety and confidentiality as I will expect the same in return. I also recognize that holding space for others is an opportunity for me to learn compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, and empathy and acknowledge that this opportunity allows me to grow and expand personally. If at any time I don’t feel I can show up without judgment, criticism, or shame towards others I will remove myself from the group and intimate a conversation with Sandra about my feelings. By continuing to click through the registration I am agreeing to the above statement of commitment.

Working with the Nurse Rx program and Coaching with Sandra allowed me to unlock a piece of myself that was truly hidden. This program and the group of nurses I was with changed my life and I feel inspired to help others feel just as empowered.

Rachel Scheffelmiar RN

Flow Within the Four Foundational Pillars of the Nurse Rx Program

Pillar #1 – Rxlease

During this phase, you will let it all go. The build-up of heavy energy from years of living with unreasonable overwhelming expectations and traumatic experiences is palpable and is standing in your way of moving towards everything you desire for your life. You can’t just build a bridge over this mucky mess, you gotta tunnel your way through it.

Letting go of old beliefs, limitations, pain, fear, hurt, anger, shame, and self-doubt, clears the way to make space for the freedom you are seeking and allows openness to adopt a different mindset towards life and its challenges.

Pillar #2 – Rxignite

Once you are free within, you can allow yourself to rekindle the passion and the desires that are burning inside us.

  • Why did we choose this path in our lives?
  • What do we want our life to look like?
  • What is our dream for our life?
  • What is really important to us?
  • And what kind of obstacles are standing in our way?

Reigniting your fire inside and breaking through blocks allow you to direct your energy and your action towards your YES life.

Pillar #3 – Rxconnect

No matter how lost and stuck you might feel, deep down the true you is still in there and will always be. The truth of who you are and the wisdom and answers you are seeking are held inside of you. When you take time to be still and quiet you can find everything you need. You can find the inner knowing.

The trouble here is you are often too “busy” to listen, or the truth is too scary for your ego so you hide from it or bury it deep down. Learning to reconnect with your inner landscape will offer unparalleled freedom and unleash the truth of who you are and the gifts you are here to shine on the world.

Pillar #4 – Rxbuild

Self-love and self-trust are necessary parts of living your life full of joy, peace, confidence, passion, power, and purpose. Cultivating complete unconditional acceptance of yourself is essential if you want to make your way out of the muck you’re stuck in.

Self-love is also about forgiveness, healing your wounded heart, putting yourself on the priority list, and learning to set boundaries. You can no longer leave scraps for yourself. You must choose to treat yourself with the respect and compassion that you so generously and selflessly give to others daily.

Your results depend on you

I guarantee if you show up authentically and put in the honest work, this process will create a powerful sustainable transformation in your life. This requires a commitment and an openness to new ideas and experiences.

One Day I Shared My Truth, and a Doorway Opened for Me

I’m Sandra, and I’m so grateful you’re here

Believe it or not, I’ve been where you are. I’ve been in the depths of depression, hopelessness, and despair, and in 2016 I bravely decided that I too was worthy of more.

I had everything I thought I wanted in life. Great paying job, a home, loving husband, beautiful children… but yet every day I would wake up and have this nagging feeling that something was missing. I choked down my truth for years, covering it up with busyness, mindless entertainment, food, and a lot of wine. I lived with the deep shame feeling of wanting more but believing I was unworthy. Until one day I shared my truth, and a doorway opened for me, and I made the choice to walk through it. That day marked the day I started to take back my power over my life. The journey from that point has been anything but smooth but I wouldn’t change a thing.  

I’ve met and learned from some of the wisest, most compassionate, and accepting people. They helped me recover from years of depression and shame and to cultivate hope and rebuild a deep love and trust in myself which has led to where I am today.

In 2019 I stepped away from my nursing role and stepped into the world of Holistic Wellness Coaching with the International Association of Wellness Professionals. In 2020, as the world turned upside down I created the Nurse Rx Program. It was designed to support my colleagues who were struggling and suffering as they continued to work on the sinking health care ship, and evolved to support those who were and continue to be betrayed by our governing bodies throughout the pandemic.

I have supported and inspired thousands of nurses in this short time and intensively coached dozens of women nurses within the Nurse Rx Community.

My mission is to help guide women nurses back to their authentic selves and their power so they can make empowered decisions creating the life they desire and deserve without shame, fear, or doubt.

My vision is a nursing culture of hope, connection, healing, and support where each individual can live in their gifts and is offered opportunities to flourish where their passion lies. 

My values of freedom, connection, autonomy, trust, and safety, are the moral code that I live by every day personally and professionally. 

Learning, Growth, Transformation, Connection, and Healing!

Joining the Nurse Rx Program and Community is a decision you will look back on as being the move that allowed you to take back control of your life.

For 12 weeks, you will have access to so many opportunities for learning, growth, transformation, connection, and healing!

What are you waiting for?

If you’re waiting for the system to change or someone to swoop in to save you, STOP. 


Only YOU can bravely take this step.

Every day we get a choice as to how we live our lives.

Today is the day to choose differently.


It wasn’t until I completed the Nurse Rx program and was reflecting on the experience that I realized all the incremental changes that had transpired over the 12 weeks had added up and I was NOT in the dark place I had started out in, nor was I nearly as anxious about getting there again. This group is all nurses, so you don’t have to explain your day, Sandra gets it because she’s been there and so has the rest of the group, it really is set up to be REAL.

Natasha Burger RN

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re a nurse and are ready to: Manage stress and its many impacts on your life. Get to the root cause of your depression and anxiety and truly heal Find balance in your lifestyle as a nurse. Find confidence and strength to stand up for what you believe in. Find freedom from pain, hurt, resentment, and more. Make your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellness and priority. Feel energized, passionate, and excited again about your career. Feel empowered to be in control of yourself and your life. Feel supported and deeply connected to other nurses.

Short answer, no. Long answer, it’s worth it, the gifts provided by the group cannot be replicated. When we allow ourselves to drop the masks and armor and open up authentically in that group space, the healing that occurs is transformational. I am intentional in the creation of a sisterhood of nurses that GET IT and hold space for each other to feel and to heal. I believe deeply that the answer to the healing that is craved not only by us, but by humanity, can be found in authentic connection, in a space where we can be held, seen, and heard, and I create that space for nurses within the Nurse Rx Program. Also, I fully recognize the sensitive nature of many of our conversations around the abuse and betrayal that you may have experienced. As a trauma-informed practitioner, I assure you that this will be a safe space, and it is never required to share your personal details about your trauma in the group setting until you feel the time is right. I can’t say it enough. The group offers magical support.

Yes! There is an option to pay in three equal payments over the 12 weeks.  If you require an alternate plan please just let me know so we can figure it out!

Not at all, although of course the more you can the more benefit you will experience.  There are 27 opportunities in the 12 weeks to attend live support and practice sessions with Sandra and the group, missing a few won’t affect your progress dramatically.

The live calls are NOT recorded.  This is for one simple reason.  Safety.  It is critical when doing this work that we create as safe a container as possible for each member to share their authentic truth.  To take the courageous steps to be vulnerable, I do not record. It is also required of all members to leave their judgment at the door.  We all hold different views and beliefs and that is what makes diversity so beautiful.  It is safe for that diversity in this space and an expectation for all members to also prioritize that safety for themselves and others.

This is an online program therefore refunds are not provided.  All sales are final.  The community aspect of the investment is for 12 weeks of access to all the online calls.  There are no refunds for those 12 weeks of community access.  Following your 12 weeks you are eligible to join a monthly membership to continue your access to the community for a smaller monthly fee and you can cancel at anytime.

Jump and Grow Wings on the Way Down

Life Is full of uncertainty. The sooner we can embrace this fact and acknowledge that the only thing you truly can control is you, the quicker we can find the ease, joy, and relief you are seeking. 

Don’t spend one more moment suffering through your life, you deserve the more you desire. Feel the fear, breathe into the anxiety, and take the courageous step into the unknown.

The Nurse Rx Community will be there to welcome you as we grow our wings together!

Nurse Rx Online Program

12x weekly 90min small group coaching sessions

12x weekly 90min group practice, connection, and support sessions

Community of Loving Peer Support

BONUS: Weekly Kundalini Yoga Practices 

BONUS: Weekly Guided Meditations

BONUS: Aroma Freedom

BONUS: Printable Resources

BONUS: 3x LIVE monthly guest speakers


Total Value = $4,744

Regular Price – $1,500

Today’s Investment = $999

(or get started today for just $333)

Please Read Prior to Registering

As a participant in the Nurse Rx Community I declare that…

I am open and accepting of other’s beliefs, values and opinions. I recognize that others may not hold the same truth or reality as I do and I accept that and am willing to show up fully for them regardless. I intend to support others with compassion and heart felt understanding and expect others to do the same for me. I acknowledge that being in a space of truth and authenticity requires each of us to step into vulnerability. This vulnerability is a gift I am willing to give to others and that I will receive from them. Vulnerability is essential to deep healing and transformation and it is a requirement for each individual to feel safe to allow themselves to drop their guards and open to trust. I will respect others needs for safety and confidentiality as I will expect the same in return. I also recognize that holding space for others is an opportunity for me to learn compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, and empathy and acknowledge that this opportunity allows me to grow and expand personally. If at any time I don’t feel I can show up without judgment, criticism, or shame towards others I will remove myself from the group and intimate a conversation with Sandra about my feelings. By continuing to click through the registration I am agreeing to the above statement of commitment.