
You’re in for the experience of a lifetime!!

You will find in your inbox and email with three unique experiences to explore.

I invite you to do three things right now.

  1. Block off 3 separate 60-90 min time slots in your calendar where you can be fully present and uninterrupted. Mark one for Kundalini Energy Yoga, one for Restorative Breathwork Meditation, and one for Transformational Breathwork Journey.
  2. Trust your intuition as to which experience you start with.  I recommend the Restorative Breathwork Meditation.
  3. Flag or bookmark the email so you have no issues finding it when you’re ready to hit play.

The Lighthouse is an online health and healing community space that offers monthly experiential opportunities to activate and awaken the self healing capacity of all individuals using the power of Kundalini Energy Yoga, Breathwork, and more!

By accepting the email invitation to subscribe to Sandra Payne Wellness you will be automatically invited to experience the monthly Lighthouse opportunities & additional events and programs.

Much love

Sandra xx